/BCO-DMO/Lionfish_Invasion/lionfish_sightings_Cayman_2011 ---- Level 1

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# Lionfish Sighted at Little Cayman Island, 2011
#  (From sub-project "Little Cayman 2011 lionfish sightings databas ")
# Lead PI: Mark Hixon (OSU)
# Sub-Project Lead: Tye L. Kindinger (OSU)
# Version: 03 July 2013
site              lat        lon         
Cumbers_Caves     19.68955   -80.06995   
date_sighted  fish_id  depth_ft  len_tot_est  person  notes                 used_for  
08/29/2011    L56      45        20.4         LT      nd                    LT Parasite study  
08/29/2011    L57      45        25.2         LT      nd                    LT Parasite study  
08/29/2011    L58      51        32.2         LT      nd                    LT Parasite study  
08/29/2011    nd       48        20.0         LT      nd                    nd        
08/29/2011    nd       48        25.0         LT      nd                    nd        
08/29/2011    nd       50        25.0         TK      nd                    nd        
08/29/2011    nd       50        25.0         TK      nd                    nd        
08/29/2011    nd       45        30.0         LT      nd                    nd        
site              lat        lon         
Dotties_Hotspot   19.68233   -80.08546   
date_sighted  fish_id  depth_ft  len_tot_est  person  notes                 used_for  
08/20/2011    L23      30        15.7         TK      nd                    LT Cleaner experiment and Parasite Work  
08/20/2011    L24      42        13.2         TK      nd                    LT Cleaner experiment and Parasite Work  
site              lat        lon         
Great_Wall_West   19.68233   -80.08546   
date_sighted  fish_id  depth_ft  len_tot_est  person  notes                 used_for  
08/28/2011    nd       65        18.0         LT      nd                    nd        
site              lat        lon         
Grundys_Gardens   19.657333  -80.08955   
date_sighted  fish_id  depth_ft  len_tot_est  person  notes                 used_for  
08/17/2011    L14      42        14.3         TK      nd                    LT Cleaner Expt  
08/17/2011    L15      42        16.4         TK      nd                    LT Cleaner Expt  
site              lat        lon         
ICON_Reef         19.6989    -80.06049   
date_sighted  fish_id  depth_ft  len_tot_est  person  notes                 used_for  
08/04/2011    L1       25        13.0         TK      Dead 8/11/2011        TK Bottle Expt & LT Cleaner Expt  
08/12/2011    L11      29        16.9         TK      nd                    TK Bottle Expt & LT Cleaner Expt  
08/26/2011    L38      28        20.5         LT      nd                    LT Parasite study  
08/26/2011    L39      28        21.0         LT      nd                    LT Parasite study  
08/26/2011    L40      30        17.1         LT      nd                    LT Parasite study  
08/26/2011    L41      35        19.3         LT      nd                    LT Parasite study  
08/26/2011    L42      30        9.4          TK      nd                    LT Parasite study  
08/26/2011    L43      30        14.8         TK      nd                    LT Parasite study  
08/26/2011    L44      30        18.0         TK      nd                    LT Parasite study  
08/26/2011    L45      30        7.5          TK      nd                    LT Parasite study  
08/07/2011    L8       30        15.7         TK      nd                    TK Bottle Expt; LT Cleaner Expt; and Parasite Study  
08/07/2011    nd       30        25.0         LT      nd                    nd        
site              lat        lon         
Randys_Gazebo     19.683783  -80.082967  
date_sighted  fish_id  depth_ft  len_tot_est  person  notes                 used_for  
08/28/2011    nd       58        18.0         LT      nd                    nd        
site              lat        lon         
Sailfin           19.7067    -80.01219   
date_sighted  fish_id  depth_ft  len_tot_est  person  notes                 used_for  
08/19/2011    L18      32        20.1         LT      nd                    LT Cleaner Expt  
08/19/2011    L19      32        21.4         LT      nd                    LT Cleaner Expt  
08/19/2011    L20      32        25.9         LT      nd                    LT Cleaner experiment and Parasite Work  
08/27/2011    L46      32        34.7         TK      nd                    LT Parasite study  
08/27/2011    L47      32        30.0         TK      nd                    LT Parasite study  
08/27/2011    L48      32        28.6         TK      nd                    LT Parasite study  
08/27/2011    L49      32        21.3         TK      nd                    LT Parasite study  
08/27/2011    L50      32        14.4         TK      nd                    LT Parasite study  
08/27/2011    L51      32        29.1         TK      nd                    LT Parasite study  
08/27/2011    L52      32        14.5         LT      nd                    LT Parasite study  
08/27/2011    L53      32        26.5         LT      nd                    LT Parasite study  
08/27/2011    L54      32        24.1         LT      nd                    LT Parasite study  
08/27/2011    L55      32        22.1         LT      nd                    LT Parasite study  
08/19/2011    nd       32        25.0         LT      nd                    nd        
08/19/2011    nd       32        25.0         LT      nd                    nd        
08/19/2011    nd       32        25.0         LT      nd                    nd        
08/19/2011    nd       32        25.0         LT      nd                    nd        
08/19/2011    nd       32        25.0         LT      nd                    nd        
08/19/2011    nd       32        25.0         TK      nd                    nd        
08/19/2011    nd       32        25.0         TK      nd                    nd        
08/19/2011    nd       32        25.0         TK      nd                    nd        
08/19/2011    nd       32        25.0         TK      nd                    nd        
08/19/2011    nd       32        25.0         TK      nd                    nd        
08/19/2011    nd       32        30.0         LT      nd                    nd        
08/19/2011    nd       32        30.0         LT      nd                    nd        
08/19/2011    nd       32        30.0         LT      nd                    nd        
08/19/2011    nd       32        30.0         LT      nd                    nd        
08/19/2011    nd       32        30.0         LT      nd                    nd        
08/19/2011    nd       32        30.0         TK      nd                    nd        
08/19/2011    nd       32        30.0         TK      nd                    nd        
08/19/2011    nd       32        30.0         TK      nd                    nd        
08/19/2011    nd       32        30.0         TK      nd                    nd        
08/19/2011    nd       32        30.0         TK      nd                    nd        
site              lat        lon         
Sarahs_Set        19.68885   -80.07098   
date_sighted  fish_id  depth_ft  len_tot_est  person  notes                 used_for  
08/05/2011    L3       30        15.0         TK      Dead 8/11/2011        TK Bottle Expt & LT Cleaner Expt  
08/05/2011    L4       60        15.0         TK      Dead 8/11/2011        TK Bottle Expt & LT Cleaner Expt  
08/05/2011    L5       55        16.0         TK      Dead 8/11/2011        TK Bottle Expt & LT Cleaner Expt  
08/29/2011    L59      51        19.3         LT      nd                    LT Parasite study  
08/05/2011    L6       45        17.0         TK      Dead 8/11/2011        TK Bottle Expt & LT Cleaner Expt  
08/29/2011    L60      55        14.5         TK      nd                    LT Parasite study  
08/29/2011    L61      55        23.7         TK      nd                    LT Parasite study  
08/29/2011    L62      55        33.2         TK      nd                    LT Parasite study  
08/29/2011    L63      35        25.4         TK      nd                    LT Parasite study  
08/05/2011    L7       25        18.0         TK      Dead 8/11/2011        TK Bottle Expt & LT Cleaner Expt  
site              lat        lon         
Snapshot          19.70074   -80.057     
date_sighted  fish_id  depth_ft  len_tot_est  person  notes                 used_for  
08/11/2011    L10      32        15.0         LT      Dead 8/11/2011        TK Bottle Expt & LT Cleaner Expt  
08/16/2011    L12      30        17.4         LT      nd                    TK Bottle Expt & LT Cleaner Expt  
08/16/2011    L13      30        15.0         LT      nd                    TK Bottle Expt & LT Cleaner Expt  
08/18/2011    L16      30        21.5         LT      nd                    LT Cleaner Expt  
08/18/2011    L17      30        21.7         LT      nd                    LT Cleaner Expt  
08/05/2011    L2       28        14.0         TK      Dead 8/11/2011        TK Bottle Expt & LT Cleaner Expt  
08/26/2011    L33      32        29.0         LT      nd                    LT Parasite study  
08/26/2011    L34      30        29.3         LT      nd                    LT Parasite study  
08/26/2011    L35      30        27.5         LT      nd                    LT Parasite study  
08/26/2011    L36      30        26.0         LT      nd                    LT Parasite study  
08/26/2011    L37      30        18.8         LT      nd                    LT Parasite study  
08/11/2011    L9       32        14.0         LT      Dead 8/11/2011        TK Bottle Expt & LT Cleaner Expt  
08/09/2011    nd       30        25.0         LT      nd                    nd        
08/16/2011    nd       30        25.0         LT      nd                    nd        
08/16/2011    nd       30        25.0         LT      nd                    nd        
08/16/2011    nd       30        25.0         LT      nd                    nd        
08/16/2011    nd       30        25.0         LT      nd                    nd        
08/16/2011    nd       30        25.0         LT      nd                    nd        
08/16/2011    nd       30        25.0         LT      nd                    nd        
08/16/2011    nd       30        25.0         LT      nd                    nd        
site              lat        lon         
Tibbets_Top       19.67373   -80.10104   
date_sighted  fish_id  depth_ft  len_tot_est  person  notes                 used_for  
08/21/2011    L25      44        13.3         TK      nd                    LT Cleaner experiment and Parasite Work  
08/21/2011    L26      44        14.4         TK      nd                    LT Cleaner experiment and Parasite Work  
08/21/2011    L27      45        12.7         TK      nd                    LT Cleaner experiment and Parasite Work  
08/21/2011    L28      42        6.8          TK      nd                    LT Cleaner experiment and Parasite Work  
08/21/2011    L29      43        17.9         TK      nd                    LT Cleaner experiment and Parasite Work  
08/21/2011    L30      35        17.4         TK      nd                    LT Cleaner experiment and Parasite Work  
08/21/2011    L31      35        20.7         TK      nd                    LT Cleaner experiment and Parasite Work  
08/21/2011    L32      21        17.0         TK      nd                    LT Cleaner experiment and Parasite Work  
08/21/2011    nd       35        23.0         TK      nd                    nd        
08/21/2011    nd       43        25.0         TK      nd                    nd        
08/21/2011    nd       45        26.0         TK      nd                    nd        
site              lat        lon         
West_Point        19.65497   -80.1036    
date_sighted  fish_id  depth_ft  len_tot_est  person  notes                 used_for  
08/20/2011    L21      58        14.3         TK      nd                    LT Cleaner experiment and Parasite Work  
08/20/2011    L22      58        15.0         TK      nd                    LT Cleaner experiment and Parasite Work  
08/20/2011    nd       58        23.0         TK      nd                    nd        
08/20/2011    nd       63        24.0         TK      nd                    nd